Safeguarding Children

We all have a statutory duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.

Working together to safeguard Children DfE 2018

Sharing Concerns

If you have any concerns about a scholar, you must share this information.

Please contact the Academy on

General concerns regarding behaviour, appearance or hygiene are important and should be passed on. Do not worry about reporting small matters. We would rather you tell us something small than miss a worrying situation.

If you think that a scholar or a member of their family has been or could be harmed in any way, for example, physical, emotional or sexual abuse or neglect, you must find a member of the Safeguarding Team and make them aware immediately.

If you are unable to locate them, ask a member of the school office staff to find them and to ask them to speak with you immediately about an urgent safeguarding matter.

Safeguarding Team


Designated Safeguarding Lead
Ms S Jowett
Contact: 01302 312140 ext 1012

Vice Principal for Safeguarding and Inclusion
Mr M Clark
Contact: 01302 312140

DDSL Assistant Principal
Mr A Clifford
Contact: 01302 312140

DDSL Head of Outreach
Mr J Balazs
Contact: 01302 312140

DDSL Pastoral Year Lead
Ms J Renshaw
Contact: 01302 312140

DDSL Pastoral Year Lead
Ms H Sowden
Contact: 01302 312140

AAW Social Media & Online Safety Policy September 2023

Astrea 24-25 Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy Web

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023

To report a concern, you may use also this form:


    Useful Websites and resources

    Online Safety Websites:

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