

KS3 Baseline

Astrea Academy Woodfields use the GL Assessment Cognitive Abilities Tests (CAT4) to get to know its students at the start of Secondary School. CAT4 provides a rounded profile of pupil ability so the school can target support, provide the right level of challenge and make informed decisions about pupils’ progress. It provides a unique profile of strengths and weaknesses across four key areas: 

  • Verbal Reasoning 
  • Non-verbal Reasoning
  • Spatial Reasoning
  • Quantitative Reasoning

CAT4 scores are triangulated alongside a student’s Key Stage 2 outcomes and initial subject based formative assessment to inform target setting and identifying early intervention opportunities.

Teacher Assessments

All Curriculum Areas set two summative assessments per year during calendared Academy assessment periods. These assessments will be directly linked to the curriculum taught both during the current academic year and previous years where applicable. Each students’ raw marks is reported to parents as a percentage score alongside the class average and an Attitude to Learning Grade.

Nationally Standardised Assessments

Alongside Teacher assessments students in KS3 will also undertake the nationally benchmarked assessments administered by GL Assessment.

Assessment Year Group Period
New Group Reading Tests (NGRT)  Years 7/8/9  Termly 
GL Assessments – Progress Tests in English, Maths and Science Years 7/8/9 End of Year 


Teacher Assessment

Teacher use formative assessment strategies as a fundamental element of each lesson. All Curriculum Areas set formal summative assessments per year during calendared Academy assessment periods. These summative assessments will be exam board style material directly linked to the qualification specification being taught. Teachers and Curriculum Leaders mark and moderate these in accordance to the exam board mark scheme. 

Nationally Standardised Assessments

All students will undertake three formal mock exam periods during the two year course. The mock exam period provide opportunity for students to sit full examination papers under full examination conditions.

Mock Exam Period 1 Mock Exam Period 2 Mock Exam Period 3
Date Period June of Y10 November of Y11 February of Y11

Teachers and Curriculum Leaders mark and moderate these in accordance to the exam board mark schemes. Each students’ raw marks is used to alongside exam board grade boundaries to determine the grade achieved as well supporting the determination of a final Predicted qualification grade which is reported to parents. 

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