
Astrea Academy Woodfields is on a Journey to excellence and every decision is centred on students, enabling them to achieve their full potential so that they go on to a successful and rewarding future.

Reporting an absence

Please report absence each day your child is absent.

Our preferred method for parents and carers to report an absence is by calling 01302 312140 Option 6 Extension 1053.

If students are to achieve their full potential excellent attendance is crucial.

To benefit fully from the teaching, care, guidance and many opportunities for enrichment provided each day at Astrea Academy Woodfields, students must habitually be in the academy and be punctual to each and every lesson.

Higher attendance rates mean better academic performance, greater opportunities for higher education, more work options and higher earning potential. Research shows that students who miss less than 3% of school are far more likely to achieve 5 GCSE’s graded 9-5, including English and Maths.

Students with excellent attendance also experience significant personal and social benefits that extend beyond academic outcomes.

For all students at Astrea Academy Woodfields the attendance target is to be above 97%.

Astrea Academy Woodfields operates a first day of absence notification to reduce truancy and to safeguard all of our students.

Students whose attendance falls below 90% will be classed as a ‘Persistent Absentee’ in line with government classification. If their attendance falls to this level we may make a referral to Education Welfare Service who will work with the family to improve attendance or we may take legal action where necessary. Students who meet this criterion will be monitored and if their attendance fails to improve a Penalty Notice fine may be issued.

Holidays/time off during term time

In accordance with government guidelines, any time taken off during term time will be unauthorised, unless exceptional circumstances apply. Exceptional circumstances can only be authorised by the Principal and parents should put requests by completing an Application for Leave of Absence form available from the Attendance Office. Please allow plenty of time for your request to be considered where possible.

It is particularly important that students do not take time off in Years 10, 11, 12 and 13 as they have coursework deadlines, controlled assessments, exams etc.

 Supporting you and your child with attendance and punctuality

At Astrea Academy Woodfields we use a variety of strategies to support our students with their attendance and punctuality.

On a weekly basis students are tasked with recording their level of attendance in their Student Planner. Students with 100% attendance are rewarded regularly with weekly, termly and annual recognition and prizes. Students who have overcome particular challenges to improve their attendance are also celebrated.

If you as a parent / carer wish to discuss your child’s attendance in more detail in the first instance please make contact with their Apollo tutor.

Attendance at Astrea Academy Woodfields – Key Staff

Mr A Clifford – Assistant Principal – Attendance Strategic Lead

Mrs D Taylor – Attendance Officer

Mrs B Fraser – Education Welfare Officer

Ms A Sawyer – Education Welfare Officer

Mrs S Jowett – Designated Safeguarding Lead

Ms N Porteous-Kaur – SENDCO


School Calendar 2023 24 – FINAL Doncaster

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