Physical Education

Curriculum Leader: Mr S McClune 

Curriculum Vision 

To provide scholars with the opportunity to develop a range of practical and theoretical skills, ensuring that they have the knowledge and understanding of how to lead a healthy active lifestyle and support others/family members to do the same. Provide opportunities for scholars to challenge themselves and others to become the best version of themselves whilst being respectful and tolerant of others around them. Have a positive impact and make noteworthy contributions across the wider school community supporting their development and learning in other curriculum areas.


ü Curriculum that teaches to stage not age.

ü Uncapped learning with no ceiling on potential.

ü Provide positive vicarious experiences.

ü Develop out of lesson context.

ü Scholar Ownership of education.

ü Develop staff CPD.

ü Challenge staff to thrive for more.

ü Bespoke curriculum – Personalised pathways.

ü Improve Scholar’s self-belief, self-esteem, and self-efficacy.

ü Create a passion and thirst for teaching and learning in PE for staff and scholars

ü An Internally motivated Scholar.

ü A better citizen within AAW and the community.

ü A holistic individual who has the opportunity and choices they deserve.

ü Lead department across the Academy.

ü Create a positive environment and legacy that staff and scholars are proud of.


“Evidence shows that when high quality PE and sport is delivered in schools it aids and enhances the learning of scholars across all subjects, it can improve school ethos and scholars’ sense of belonging, and raises aspirations for young people to achieve their personal best.”


The Physical Education Department supports scholars in fulfilling their potential through playing, leading, and officiating in sport. Our aim is to find a role for all scholars to achieve within PE and School Sport.


The department has experienced, committed, and motivated teaching staff who challenge themselves every day to provide the most effective teaching and learning environment possible. We strive to provide a wide range of opportunities for all scholars both within the curriculum and outside of lessons to support their holistic development.


Physical Education Staff

· Curriculum Leader and Academy Quality Nominee – Mr S McClune

· Teacher of PE/Head of KS3 – Mr J Gittins

· Teacher of PE – Miss L Geldart


The Physical Education Department has superb facilities including a Sports Hall, Gymnasium, Fitness suite, Dance studio, MUGA, State of the art 4G facility alongside grass football pitches. The department also has access to sport specific classrooms including computer rooms. Each classroom has a large interactive smart display board.


Key Stage 3 – Intent

Scholars build on and embed the physical development and physical components learnt in key stages 1 and 2, become more competent, confident, and expert in their techniques, and apply them across different sports and physical activities.


Stage 1 – Isolation Components – Stabilise and Repair Skills in Sport

Stage 2 – Conditioned Practices – Repair and Improve different skills in Sport

Stage 3 – Competitive situations – Improve and Sustain skills in sport

Stage 4 – Leadership and Officiating


They will understand what makes a performance effective and how to apply these principles to their own and others’ work. Scholars develop the confidence and interest to get involved in exercise, sports and activities out of school and in later life and understand and apply the long-term health benefits of physical activity.


Scholars will be taught to:


use a range of tactics and strategies to overcome opponents in direct competition through team and individual games

develop their technique and improve their performance in other competitive sports

perform dances using advanced dance techniques within a range of dance styles and forms

take part in outdoor and adventurous activities which present intellectual and physical challenges and be encouraged to work in a team, building on trust and developing skills to solve problems, either individually or as a group

analyse their performances compared to previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best

take part in competitive sports and activities outside school through community links or sports clubs. (



KS3 allows scholars to develop knowledge and understanding related to practical performance in a range of sports whilst underpinning their performance with theoretical content to support development. In lessons Scholar will be taught skills, techniques and tactics in isolation, conditioned practices, and competitive situations. This will allow for all scholars to demonstrate a range of techniques such as deliberate practice, modelling and show call.


Scholars will have access to a wide range of sports across the different strands identified in the National Curriculum, we do not specify sports through gender and are inclusive to all scholars accessing our curriculum, the sequencing of sports is dependent on timing of the year and availability of sports facilities, ensuring that every Scholar has fair access to all sports is paramount when planning our curriculum.


Scholars in KS3 will be assessed theoretically and practically in all aspects of the PE curriculum using an effective and efficient practical assessment tracker, scholars in KS3 will also be able to demonstrate the progress they have made through our theoretical assessments that occur twice a year through the use of their knowledge organisers and homework booklets.


Curriculum maps have been designed and are shared with scholars at the start of every year, these are also shared on our school website to improve communication and inform parents/carers and guardians of their child/dependent’s educational pathway.


Key Stage 4 Qualification

Scholars opt in to achieve a qualification in PE alongside completing 1 hour of enrichment PE per week. Scholars can opt into one of two sporting qualifications including BTEC Tech award in Sport and BTEC Tech Award in Health and Social Care.


Intent – Scholars who study BTEC Tech Award in Sport will develop their knowledge and understanding completing components relating to preparing participants to take part in sport and physical activity, taking part and improving other participants sporting performance and developing fitness to improve other participants performance in sport and physical activity.


Intent – Scholars who study BTEC Teach Award in Health and Social Care will develop their knowledge and understanding completing components relating to Human lifespan development, Health and Social Care services and values, alongside individuals health and wellbeing.


Implementation – Assessment windows are built into the Academy assessment calendar to ensure efficient and effective completion of controlled assessment. In Sport lessons scholars will be required to perform a range of skills, techniques, and tactics in a variety of isolation, conditioned and competitive situations demonstrating the knowledge and understanding they have developed in their theoretical lessons. All Scholars will be given the opportunity to develop their knowledge and understanding thorough a range of Teaching and learning strategies such as, Show call, modelling, and deliberate practice in Health and Social Care and Sport Lessons.


Successful completion of the Level 2 courses on offer will prepare scholars for a range of Level 3 qualifications related to Sport and The Health and Social care sectors. Through their studies, scholars will develop transferable skills in leadership, communication, teamwork, and data analysis. These skills can lead to a variety of employment opportunities in a range of different areas, for example, teaching, recreational management, leisure activities, coaching, the fitness industry, the armed forces, or public services, NHS, care home support, child development, psychology.


Key Stage 4 Enrichment – Intent

Scholars will tackle complex and demanding physical activities. Scholars will be involved in a range of activities that develops personal fitness and promotes an active, healthy lifestyle.


Scholars will be taught to:

use and develop a variety of tactics and strategies to overcome opponents in team and individual games

develop their technique and improve their performance in other competitive sports, or other physical activities

take part in further outdoor and adventurous activities in a range of environments which present intellectual and physical challenges, and which encourage scholars to work in a team, building on trust and developing skills to solve problems, either individually or as a group

evaluate their performances compared to previous ones and demonstrate improvement across a range of physical activities to achieve their personal best

Continue to take part regularly in competitive sports and activities outside school through community links or sports clubs. (



KS4 allows scholars to personalise their learning their option choices which are qualification specific either BTEC Sport or BTEC Health and Social Care and Enrichment PE activities focussing on Leadership/officiating and Healthy active lifestyles. All pathways at KS4 allowing for a successful progression onto higher education ultimately leading to University or a real alternative.

Key Stage 4 Enrichment lessons will be taught allowing scholars to develop the knowledge and understanding they received in KS3 and link this directly into Leading and Officiating situations alongside learning how to live Health Active Lifestyles. More ownership is placed on the scholars developing their individual leadership and officiating skills and all lessons will

reflect this. Scholars will be observed in all aspects of the PE curriculum and provided personal verbal feedback to ensure support and guidance is provided.



Key Stage 3

· Scholars receive regular homework directly linked to the sporting activity that they are completing, and the theoretical knowledge required for their summative assessment. Homework tasks are based around developing knowledge and understanding across a range of topics on the PE Curriculum.

Level 2 Studies

· Scholars are required to complete homework activities in line with their specific level 2 qualifications, these include a range of activities directly linked to assessment.


Extracurricular Enrichment Program

· The PE Department offers an extensive range of sports as part of their extracurricular enrichment program; allowing scholars to refine the skills they have learnt in curriculum lessons, work with scholars from different year groups or for scholars to have some structured recreational time with their friends. All our extracurricular enrichment activities are supervised by teaching staff from the academy and provide scholars with the opportunity to represent the academy at local and national competitions.


P.E Sport Curriculum Map


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