HAF Programme

HAF Programme (Holiday Activities and Food)

The Winter 2024 HAF programme has now been confirmed. Please use the form below to sign up for your childs place!


Here at Astrea Woodfields we pride ourselves on offering experiences to our scholars that they may not experience otherwise. One of the ways we do this is by hosting a DfE funded Holiday Activities and Food Programme. The programme is designed to provide healthy food and enriching activities for school aged children during the Easter, Summer and Winter holiday periods.

The programme is targeted at children who are eligible for free school meals.

The aims of the programme are:

  • To support scholars in eating healthily over the school holidays
  • Expanding scholar knowledge and skills
  • Enabling scholars to access activities that they may not otherwise be able to
  • Enhance relationships between peer groups and teachers

The activities that are on offer will vary, but in our most recent HAF programme scholars had access to sports activities (football, basketball, dance and badminton), makeup and skincare classes and a trip to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park , the Cinema and The Deep. During the Christmas break we will be hosting 7 amazing days out!

We will continue to add pictures below each term when we run the project.

HAF Easter 2024 Photos

HAF Summer 2024


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