Our PSHCE curriculum aims to provide all students with access to well-sequenced, high-quality lessons which are tailored to meets the needs of our diverse community.
The PSHCE curriculum focuses on four key strands:
- Health and Wellbeing
- Sex and relationships
- Wider World including CEIAG (Careers Education, Information and Guidance)
- Citizenship.
These themes are knowledge rich, engaging and afford students the opportunity to debate in a safe environment, with clear ground rules promoting respect and compassion.
Our intent is to allow students to reflect on and clarify their own values and attitudes as well as explore complex and sometimes conflicting range of values and attitudes they might encounter now and in the future.
We encourage our students to be enterprising and support them in making effective transitions, informed decisions, positive learning and career choices and in achieving economic wellbeing. In addition, we seek to ensure all students have the knowledge, skills and attributes to keep themselves healthy, safe and prepared for life and work as a citizen in modern Britain.
In essence, PSHCE aims to empower our students with the ability to make good choices, report concerns with confidence and lead happy, successful lives.
British Values
Lessons and enrichment activities and the ethos of the school, will help scholars to understand Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect, Tolerance for different faiths and beliefs. |
Scholar Voice | Students opinions and views will be heard and collected, so that our students are a part of the personal development offer at Woodfields.
There are numerous opportunities for scholars to lead initiatives and deliver change, will helps to develop skills for the wider world. Scholars receive support on issues which are important to them. |
Character Education | We will provide opportunities for scholars to strengthen their character with a wealth of activities in lessons, as part of enrichment programmes and the wider community. |
SMSC | Spiritual – students will connect with other faiths and values and reflect of their experiences.
Moral – scholars will understand the difference between right and wrong, understanding the consequences and how to solve moral/social dilemmas. Social – scholars will effectively develop and use a range of social skills with others and feel a part of our school and the wider community. Cultural – scholars will develop knowledge, understanding and appreciation of their own culture or heritage. |
Behaviour, Culture and Context | Our Personal Development programme encourages good behaviour and embeds positive attitudes.
At Woodfields, we will be responsive to arising needs within the school, as well as locally and Nationally. |
Wider opportunities | We provide all scholars with the opportunity to participate in initiatives and activities, which aim to develop their interests, talents, leadership skills and connections with the local community.
This is done through enrichment opportunities within a number of departments, sports leaders qualifications, Duke of Edinburgh, Student council, etc. Engagement to these opportunities is monitored and analysed to ensure equity for all of our students. |
SEND and vulnerable students | Reasonable adjustments are made to support learning and empower students through the PD programme.
Resources and material is developmentally appropriate. Personal Development helps to promote independence and transition by helping students to stay safe in and out of school. Personal Development at Woodfields is targeted to increase attendance, participation and engagement. |
Parent and Carer partnerships | Parents and Carers will receive Personal Development communication on topics being taught, support available and student achievements.
Parents and Carers will have access to the PD curriculum and various policies to allow the opportunity for this learning to be extended at home. |
PSHE Staff
- Mr R Ayres